Who is United Way of the Midlands?
United Way of the Midlands (UWM) was established in Columbia in 1925. We provide critical health and human services needs in Calhoun, Fairfield, Lexington, Newberry, Richland, and Orangeburg Counties. With a mission to unite people and resources to improve the quality of life in the Midlands, United Way of the Midlands focuses on helping students succeed in school, reducing homelessness, and providing affordable health care. More than 30,000 donors support United Way, and we work with 65 Community Impact Partners. Our annual impact on the Midlands is almost $20 million.
Important Dates:
- Thursday, March 25, 2021 – Letter of Intent due by 5:00 pm (short form to be submitted in e-CImpact)
- Thursday, April 8, 2021 – Application due by 8:00 pm (to be submitted in e-CImpact)
- What are UWM's Core Values?
- Excellence: We perform with excellence in word and deeds at all times.
- Responsiveness: We listen and respond to the needs of the community.
- Leadership: We initiate catalytic leadership for community building to effect positive change.
- Integrity: We act with integrity that inspires the highest trust.
- Impact: We make a positive difference and have a measurable impact.
- Volunteerism: We are relevant and impactful through the spirit of volunteerism.
- Openness: We are accessible to all interested in participating in or examining our involvement in impacting the community.
- Collaboration: We are committed to a group process to reach common goals that cannot be reached through the efforts of individuals or organizations acting alone.
- Diversity and Inclusion: We value diversity and expect the inclusion of everyone’s voice.
- What are UWM's Main Focus Areas?
- Promoting stability
- Enhancing education
- Providing healthcare.
2018 Community Impact Plan
FY 2021-22 Focus Areas
Overview: For FY 2021-22, we expect the Midlands community to focus on continued response and recovery to the Pandemic. We have aligned the strategies of our current Impact Plan (link above) to focus on meeting basic needs and building resiliency.
- Basic Needs Strategies
- Food insecurity
- Childcare
- Sheltering
- Case management for people experiencing homelessness or at‐risk
- Emergency financial assistance
- Healthcare
- Home repair
- Building Resiliency Strategies
- Afterschool, tutoring or youth development programs
- Programs for youth offering social and emotional learning supports
- Job skill building and job placement programs for adults
- Financial education
Funding Tiers and Requirements
- Tier 1 $5,000 ‐ $49,999
Intended for smaller organizations or limited or specific interventions of larger organizations
More limited application narrative and reporting
Financial audit additional documentation needed for organization above $500,000 in revenue
- Tier 2 $50,000 - $99,999
Intended for mid to larger size organizations supporting significant levels of work
Triggers additional documentation such as copy of independent audit for all applicants regardless of revenue size
- Tier 3 $100,000 and above
Support significant levels of work that demonstrate deep collaboration with community partners
Supports evidenced based or evidence informed practices
Demonstrates processes for review of programs for performance improvements
Uses a trauma informed approach
Independent audit required with additional triggers for documentation
Catalogue of Outcomes & Indicators
The following tables list the required indicators for each eligible activity. Generally:
- Tier 1 applications are only required to track Indicator #1 for their eligible activities.
- Tier 2 applications are required to track Indicators #1 and #2 for their eligible activities.
- Tier 3 applications are required to track Indicators #1 - #3 for their eligible activities.
However, there are some differences between activities, so reference the grid below to ensure you capture the required information.
- Basic Needs
Ind. # Req. for Applications Food Insecurity 1 Tiers 1, 2 and 3 Individuals participate in nutrition program. 2 Tiers 2 and 3 Individuals screened for additional basic needs and referred to other agencies for additional community programs. Ind. # Req. for Applications Healthcare 1 Tiers 1, 2 and 3 Clients have a medical home. 2 Tiers 2 and 3 Clients positively change health status in one area: oral health, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity. 3 Tier 3 Only Clients positively change health status in more than one area: oral health, diabetes, high blood pressure, obesity. Ind. # Req. for Applications Childcare 1 Tiers 1, 2 and 3 Children improve scores related to their cognitive development using a reliable measure. 2 Tiers 2 and 3 Parents and caregivers demonstrate knowledge about their child's learning and development. 3 Tier 3 Only Parents are talking positively with their children consistently. Ind. # Req. for Applications Sheltering 1 Tiers 1, 2 and 3 Individuals/households provided emergency shelter and/or motel vouchers. 2 Tiers 2 and 3 Individuals/households are placed into transitional/permanent housing upon exit. 3 Tier 3 Only Individuals/households are stable in housing for three months. Ind. # Req. for Applications Case Management for People Experiencing Homelessness or At-Risk 1 Tiers 1, 2 and 3 Individuals make measurable behavior change (e.g. seek needed treatment/care, reconnect with social networks. 2 Tiers 2 and 3 Individuals/households are placed into transitional/permanent housing upon exit. 3 Tier 3 Only Individuals/households increase income through access to new benefits or employment. Ind. # Req. for Applications Emergency Financial Assistance 1 Tiers 1, 2 and 3 Evictions prevented 2 Tiers 2 and 3 Individuals/households are stable in housing for three months. 3 Tier 3 Only Individuals/households are stable in housing for six months. 3 Tier 3 Only Individuals/households are stable in housing for 12 months. Ind. # Req. for Applications Home Repair 1 Tiers 1, 2 and 3 Homes are repaired to safe, decent, sanitary standard. 2 Tiers 2 and 3 Individuals screened for additional basic needs and referred to other agencies for additional community programs. - Resiliency Building
Ind. # Req. for Applications Early Education Supports 1 Tiers 1, 2 and 3 Parents read to children regularly (4 times a week). 2 Tiers 2 and 3 Parents and caregivers demonstrate knowledge about their child's learning and development. 3 Tier 3 Only Students improve attitude towards reading and literacy using a reliable measure. Ind. # Req. for Applications Youth Development 1 Tiers 1, 2 and 3 Students are promoted to the next grade. 2 Tiers 2 and 3 Students are reading on a regular basis. 3 Tier 3 Only Students improve in-school attendance. Ind. # Req. for Applications Social Emotional Learning 1 Tiers 1, 2 and 3 Students are promoted to the next grade. 2 Tiers 2 and 3 Students are reading on a regular basis. 3 Tier 3 Only Students improve in-school attendance. Ind. # Req. for Applications Financial Education 1 Tiers 1, 2 and 3 Individuals make measurable behavior change (e.g. increase savings, reducing debt)
- Grant Eligibility
All applicants must be UWM certified Impact Partners in good standing or the ability to achieve certification by May 11, 2021. For more information about becoming a UWM partner agency, please contact Jennifer Moore at jmoore@uway.org
Local non-profits seeking resources that are not certified Impact Partners are encouraged to partner with eligible agencies.
- Ideal Grantee
Demonstrates meaningful partnerships with both the people they serve and other community agencies that offer similar or complementary services.
Has healthy mix of funding supporting the program/organization. UWM’s resources should not be the majority of funding.
Understands the effects of trauma and uses approaches that incorporates trauma-informed care or other practices.
Uses evidenced-based, promising practices, or employs strategies driven by direct consumer input on effectiveness.
Reviews program for performance improvements or adjustments on a regular basis.
Applies for only essential resources needed.
Frequently Asked Questions
- What is the start date and end date?
Grants will start July 1, 2021 and end June 30, 2022. Funds must be expended during the grant period. Carryover funds are not allowed.
- Are grants reimbursable?
No, UWM distributes funds monthly in equal amounts sent direct deposit.
- How much should we apply for?
Agencies should submit one application for funding to address all strategies listed within our focus areas and outcomes they propose to address. We use a tiered application system with additional program, reporting, and financial accountability as the amount requested increases. The minimum grant size is $5,000. Typically, UWM will not fund a single agency more than $250,000 across all strategies, and most grants will be lower than that the maximum amount.
- Is there an average grant size?
No, but we would consider grants above $100,000 significant and most awards would not be at the level or above.
- Should we apply for more than we need, just in case?
No, apply for the essential resources needed only. Sometimes applicants will apply for slightly more than their needs in case grant awards are less than hoped. However, UWM will likely not have time to negotiate budgets so applying for more than what is essential may result in an award not being issued.
- You referred to a 'healthy mix of funding', What does that mean?
Typically, UWM will not fund more than half of a program’s or organization’s total budget.
- Are grants renewable next year?
FY 2021-22 grants are intended to be one-year. UWM is engaging in a new community assessment and will release our new Impact Investment Plan in early spring 2022.
- Is there a match requirement?
No, there is not a matching funds requirement. However, if your agency has received new resources recently in CARES Act or other resources, we would like to understand remaining need for UWM resources. Also, if UWM is serving a match for a federal or grant please let us know how UWM’s support will allow you to leverage new or expanded resources.
- Can we apply for general operating support?
Yes, but your work must address UWM’s focus areas and catalogue of outcomes. We do not have caps on operating versus program specific support; however, budgets should be detailed and requests reasonable. We request agencies only request essential resources and not apply for more than the essential amounts. Applying for more than the essential amount needed may result in a lack of an award.
- When will we hear about a funding decision?
Awards will be announced by May 19, 2021.
- Can we submit multiple applications?
No, submit one application for all strategies/outcomes proposed.
- Is there an amount allocated to each category of Basic Needs and Building Resiliency?
No, we will prioritize based on application strength, efficient use of requested resources, and ability to successfully deliver outcomes. You may apply for both Basic Needs strategies/outcomes and Resiliency strategies/outcomes within in the same, single application.
- Since we are still within the pandemic, how can we accurately predict program outcomes?
As our community continues to respond and recover from the Pandemic, we understand that programs will continue to pivot in their approaches to services delivery. We except programs to evaluate current and possible new program adjustments and base proposed outcomes and budgets on these changes, especially if a program funded in previous years (meaning, we would expect outcomes and budget to vary from previous requests based on changes in program delivery, client needs, and other resources that have increased such as CARES Act funds or revenue that declined based on interruptions in fundraising). Since the beginning of the Pandemic, UWM has been flexible to changes in expected outcomes and budgets and will continue this approach.
- Where do we ask questions?
UWM will host a Teams Live broadcast on Thursday, March 18th at 12 pm. Please attend by clicking here. If you cannot attend the broadcast will be recorded. After the broadcast, if you have questions please contact Jennifer Moore at jmoore@uway.org or program or budget eligibility questions and contact Tabitha Heck at theck@uway.org for C-Impact database questions.