Darkness to Light & Mandated Reporter Training
Thursday, May 21, 2020 - Friday, May, 22, 2020
About Darkness to Light Training
“Created by Darkness to Light, Stewards of Children is an evidence-informed, award-winning two-hour training that teaches adults to prevent, recognize, and react responsibly to child sexual abuse. Through interviews with child sexual abuse survivors, experts, and treatment providers, Stewards of Children teaches adults practical actions they can take to reduce instances of child sexual abuse in their organizations, families, and communities.”
*Two hours of professional development CEUs are available for social workers, nurses, dentists and dental hygienists, childcare professionals, and legal professionals.*
In late May, we’re offering an online version of Darkness to Light & Mandated Reporter Training. This training replaces the April in-person training postponed due to COVID-19.
How it works:
To complete this training, participants must watch two 40-minute Darkness to Light videos online and participate in a two-hour virtual follow-up discussion.
Participants will receive a link to the videos on Monday, Monday 18th, and must view the videos prior to their discussion session, which also includes Mandated Reporter Training. To gain entrance to the discussion session, participants must upload a Certificate of Completion verifying they viewed the videos.
How to sign up:
Participants may register for this training by choosing from one of the two discussion sessions below.
Thursday, May 21st, 2020 from 9:00 am until 11:00 am or
Friday May 22, 2020 from 9:00 am until 11:00 am.