Community Impact Partner Spotlight: Free Medical Clinic of Newberry County

Serving uninsured adults living in Newberry County, the Free Medical Clinic of Newberry County provides access to specialty care including dental, vision, and medication assistance to those in need and at no cost to the individual. Staffed by volunteer health professionals, these services are possible through charitable donations and grant funding opportunities including those provided by United Way of the Midlands.
Loss of employment, unforeseen life circumstances and pandemic related challenges including unexpected displacement or the reduction of working hours are just a few common threads connecting community members to the clinic. Most visiting the clinic have been without healthcare for extended periods of time and have numerous health problems. A representative from the clinic shares, “It is a challenge to address the many health issues that patients are suffering from at once. It is a process with the most urgent needs being met first and usually requires specialty care with cardiologists, neurosurgeons, oncologist, dentists, ophthalmologists, and surgeons.” The clinic’s model lends itself to faster recovery, often addressing both medical and social needs.
The clinic's impact is easy to see through the eyes of patients like Sandy who receive their services.
“I have been working steadily; however, with no health insurance. I started coming to the Newberry Free Medical Clinic about two years ago. The clinic has helped me with my health, all the tests I need to stay healthy, including blood tests, and mammograms. I have used the WelVista program at the Newberry Free Medical Clinic which has helped me get my medications. Dr. Bradbury has been wonderful with providing medical care. If the Newberry Free Medical Clinic was not here, I would probably die because I have no other place to go. The staff is very professional and friendly. Their services are prompt with little or no waiting. I am very thankful for the services here at the clinic.” - Sandy, patient
As community impact partners, we are grateful for organizations like the Free Medical Clinic of Newberry Clinic who help make the Midlands a better place for everyone.